Wednesday, June 8, 2011

june bug

well here we are.
the end of the school year!
too bad its not end of the work year 8(
not much has been going on in ohamandajane world
my two jobs have been keeping me very busy
not much news, really
luciano and i are getting plans together for when my parents come and visit
we will be taking them on a little tour of italy
and lu and i are so looking forward to it!
(mom you better bring your camera!)

the lastest job i had was in genova
it was for a pirate/viking promotion... and they dressed me up as a viking
very amusing i have to say..
well hopefully i can get enough jobs to pay the bills
keep your fingers crossed

here are the lastest photos from my portfolio

thanks for following my blog
i hope ill have some more interesting stories soon
besides (im working everyday)

amanda jane