Monday, August 24, 2009

to stress or not to stress

So yesterday we did a "speed room-mating" thing
which was a smart idea of the school
but it didn't work out as well as i'd hope,
we were supposed to move around the tables, but
certain people refused to move because they had their minds made up

huh, so i got a little stressed, i couldn't find my roommates
and a lot of people weren't as focused on price as i was
they were more... vacation oriented

boy, was i freaking out
no one else seemed to have the same idea
i found one group... but it didn't feel right

and then i met these two girls, who were going through the same thing i was
all this drama and cliques that were made due to the roommate situation

so we all had the same ideas and morals
we went appartment hunting today
wheph! i'm exhausted, and my feet kill me!

we found a place that we like, but we'll keep looking for more tommorow

so tiered right now, wish me luck
i really need to find a good, inexpensive place to live
