Monday, December 13, 2010

that time of year

christmas cooking!
since luciano just got back from thanksgiving
he was "inspired" by all of the new foods he tried
mostly from the giant pumpkin pies
so on lu's day off we decided to make some american desserts
lu tackled the pumpkin pie
and i had to make decorated christmas cookies for him
they turned out pretty great!
we shared them with our friends and family
which enjoyed the new tastes as well

ill upload the pictures of our triumph

amanda jane

Thursday, December 9, 2010

fair play

Yesterday Luciano took me to a fair in the center of milan
it was cold, rainy and crowded but still really exciting
we walked through the tents set up in the streets
they sold many different things from hand woven baskets
to hand made coconut treats!
it was nice to get out of the house
even if its into the cold weather
but i bundled up nicely in an old vintage fur coat
(my sister still insists that i smell like a grand mom when i wear it hah)
when we finally got home lu cooked a wonderful meal of orange salmon
get my omega 3s in my diet (dork)


Monday, December 6, 2010

snow way

the first snow in milan this year (that i got to see hah)
the weather is pretty cold outside which has turned lu and i into genuine hermits
which is okay i guess since lu had some hard core studing to do,
and i really needed to actually sit down and use the italian book lu bought me
instead of using the excuse that watching the tv helps me learn

oh yeah and my eyes are healing up great!! you can barely tell that i had the surgery just a few weeks ago!!

besides that, there is really nothing else to say
i hope everyone is enjoying their december weather!